About Us

I'm an offroader living in Northwest Montana very close to the Wild Bill OHV trail. Huge fan of the Lexus GX platform, and think they're probably the best bang for the buck out there.

One day, when dusting off my lightly used 3D Printer, I realized I should probably start using it for the reason I got it. My previous CAD experience made it fairly straightforward to learn some fancier CAD software and start prototyping my ideas for functional parts using high-performance materials.

My girls and I decided this would be a cool side project, so we incorporated G-REX LLC with my daughter as partner, and she is very excited to pack and ship your orders (she's part Elf).

We want to thank you for supporting our little family venture and hope you'll check back often or subscribe to be notified as we release new all-original products for the Lexus GX platform, other offroad vehicles, and whatever else we come up with!